UGC NET: Shoot the Shot [Round 1]


1. Chaucer was born during the reign of ____.
Ans: Edward III

2. Name the host in Canterbury Tales.
Ans: Harry Bailey

3. Name the patron of Chaucer.
Ans: John of Gaunt 

4. Name Chaucer's book on Astronomy.
Ans: A Treatise on the Astrolabe

5. Chaucer's Troylus and Criseyde is dedicated to ______.
Ans: John Gower

6. Chaucer in his Troylus and Criseyde introduced _______.
Ans: Rhyma Royal

7. Who conferred the title 'Father of English Poetry on Chaucer?
Ans: John Dryden in his 'Preface to the Fables'

8. In which skill does 'The Wife of Bath' surpass all?
Ans: Clothe-making

9. The letter 'A' on the Sunday kerchief of wife of Bath' weigh?
Ans: Over Ten Pounds

10. Name of Chaucer's wife.
Ans: Philippa 


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